
Keep in touch

Jag Raha Jugnoo

Author: Kanwar Dinesh Singh
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125222
Pub. Date: 2018
Price: $14

Kanwar Dinesh Singh, a Shimla poet/editor, whose work is known and appraised by a widening circle of readers, clearly shows (in his verse) how religion, love, time and circumstance has each brought strong influence to bear in the overall development of the poet he has now become... The very nature of existence, within its ever-changing time-scale, has continued to fascinate poets over the centuries, and in similar vein, Kanwar devotes several of his poems to an exploration of Self , his essential human make-up... Here, then, is a writer whose work is underpinned by a spiritual tradition and a fervent desire to create memorable poetry within the harsher reality of its true romantic setting. --Bernard M. Jackson Poet-Critic, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England

Author BIO
Kanwar Dinesh Singh

Poet, storyteller and critic, Kanwar Dinesh Singh is a prominent signature in contemporary Indian writing in English. Winner of the "Himachal Pradesh Sahitya Akademi Award" (2002), he has several volumes of poetry in English and Hindi, besides books in literary criticism, to his credit. His poems, reviews, interviews and essays have appeared in many reputed journals, newspapers and magazines in India and abroad. He lives at Shimla, where he teaches English language and literature at a college and edits "Hyphen"- a journal of literature, art and culture.

Other Publication By Kanwar Dinesh Singh

The Frosted Glass

The Frosted Glass
Kanwar Dinesh Singh
ISBN: 9789386653291


Jag Raha Jugnoo

Jag Raha Jugnoo
Kanwar Dinesh Singh
ISBN: 9789388125222



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