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The Ethnosphere's Duality

Author: Heath Brougher
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125048
Pub. Date: 2018
Price: $10

As the following quote by Nietzsche much more eloquently states, this book is not meant for everyone. It is meant, rather, for the people out there who are on a similar philosophical wavelength as myself. It is a very experimental book that probes the question "what causes something to exist?" and/or "what creates creation?" while examining the relationship between Consciousness and Existence. This is a book that I hope will open minds to begin questioning the very essence of life or at least start viewing certain aspects of it from a different angle. It is a book for ears that are related to mine.


On the question of being understandable.— One does not only wish to be understood when one writes; one wishes just as surely not to be understood. It is not by any means necessarily an objection to a book when anybody finds it impossible to understand:  perhaps that was part of the author’s intention—he did not want to be understood by just “anybody.” Every more noble spirit and taste selects its audience when it wishes to communicate itself; and choosing them, it at the same time erects barriers against “the others.” All the more subtle laws of any style have their origin at this point: they at the same time keep away, create a distance, forbid “entrance,” understanding, as said above—while they open the ears of those whose ears are related to ours.” 

                                                                                            Friedrich Nietzsche 


The poems included in the latest poetry collection The Ethnosphere’s Duality by Heath Brougher reveal poetry at its highest point. No doubt, Brougher is an accomplished poet, and these poems substantiate the fact that he is exploring the ultimate or hidden truth through his poetry. For example, see the philosophical questioning: 

Can inner-thought be just as profound and solid

as its corporeal cousin, the Diamond? 

Heath  Brougher’s  poetry will attract the readers across the world due to such immortal expressions and phrases: “every Truth is also an untruth”, “Truest of Echo-chambers”, “deathful  liveliness”’, “Access to the axis of excess of thought”.

-Santosh Kumar, Editor,  

Author BIO
Heath Brougher

Heath Brougher lives in York, PA. He is 38 years old and has been writing his entire life but did not begin to submit his duffel bags filled with notebooks until the age of 34. Since then, his work has appeared in over 500 journals throughout the world. He is the co-poetry editor for Into the Void Magazine, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Award for Best Magazine. He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee. His work has been translated into Albanian, Afrikaans, French, Serbian, and several others languages. He published three chapbooks in 2016, two full length collections, About Consciousness (Alien Buddha Press 2017) and To Burn in Torturous Algorithms (Weasel Press 2018), and has three forthcoming collections. He edited the anthology Luminous Echoes, the proceeds of which were donated to an organization that works to prevent suicide/self harm. His work has appeared in journals such as Taj Mahal Review, Chiron Review, MiPOesias, Main Street Rag, Blue Fifth Review, Mobius, Lotus-Eater, Setu Bilingual, Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, eFiction India, Loch Raven Review, BlazeVOX, and elsewhere.

Other Publication By Heath Brougher

The Ethnosphere's Duality

The Ethnosphere's Duality
Heath Brougher
ISBN: 9789388125048



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