
Keep in touch


Author: Les Epstein
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125000
Pub. Date: 2018
Price: $20

A cemetery in a rural area at the end of the 20th century. The cemetery is old and run over by nature. Vines and weeds curl over the headstones. A faded, white picket fence encloses the small cemetery. Kudzu consumes a tree that overlooks the headstone of Ruby Plumb. Her stone simply reads: "And Lord Taketh: Ruby Plumb, April 1, 1905 September 15, 1942." As the lights come up we hear the voices of Jack and Esther Plumb an aging couple that have come to clean up the cemetery. They carry buckets, rakes, and paint. A second stone, looking rather new reads: "The Marvel of Montpelier, Mr. Charles Gregory, B 1884, D 1912. Actor, Humanitarian. The Marvel's Still in the Crypt."

Author BIO
Les Epstein

Les Epstein is the author of eight plays and two operas that have appeared on stages across the U.S.Most recently, his plays, "Ira's Fantastical Ride up New York 9," premiered at the Greenbrier Valley Theater (West Virginia), and "Thus Slud Zarilla" at Virginia's Page to Stage. The former appears in the current edition of the Irish journal, Silver Apples Magazine. His work has appeared in journals in the United States, Philippines, India and the U.K. as well as on line publications.Recent credits include Eyedrum Periodically, Rizal Journal, Interstice, Fourth & Sycamore, Mojave River Reviewand Saudade. He teaches in Roanoke, VA.

Other Publication By Les Epstein


Les Epstein
ISBN: 9789388125000



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