
Keep in touch

Potpourri Poesy

Author: Inakali Assumi and Soyimla Akum
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788193769171
Pub. Date: 2018
Price: $15

The poems in Potpourri Poesy are not mere expressions of imagination but are also realistic, influenced by the social factors around us. Different people have different ways of bringing change and we found our way through poetry. We believe that the readers will add life to it by bringing in different interpretations. Our poetries are not limited to particular section of people but it is directed to all irrespective of age and gender. We believe the readers will be able to reflect themselves in one or the other poem directly or indirectly.


Editorial Reviews

Through this poetry book, Inakali Assumi and Soyimla Akum have reached at a very high level in the world of poetry. As a poet, Inakali Assumi and Soyimla Akum are unsurpassable. They has very successfully captured the joys and pleasures of poems in her lines. Their poetry exhibit an astonishing variety. She shows remarkable psychological insight in writing her poetry. We can clearly say that Inakali Assumi and Soyimla Akum manage the natural and supernatural together in her writings. Thei poetry reflect an exotic character. As a poet, they expression became more concentrated and her poetry combined magic and dignity, perfect command over rhythms and the assured use of imagery. --Karunesh Agrawal,

Author BIO
Inakali Assumi

Soyimla Akum is the eldest among five siblings. She started writing at a very young age but kept her writings to herself. It was only in later part of her post graduation days that she gave interest in publishing in magazines and journals. Her writings draw inspirations from people and society around her. Her poems are personal as well as social critique. She belongs to Yimchunger tribe under Tuensang, Nagaland. 

Other Publication By Inakali Assumi

Potpourri Poesy

Potpourri Poesy
Inakali Assumi and Soyimla Akum
ISBN: 9788193769171



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