
Keep in touch

Living in a Bubble

Author: Delora Green
ISBN: 9781477242667
Publisher: Authorhouse
Pub. Date: 2013
Price: $0

A book of expression – learning to express yourself and through self-discovery, learning to stand alone in order to become independent, which in turn will take you on a road to discovery and make you a stronger person. The book covers issues of: • Ways to overcome misunderstandings, dishonesty, misjustice, lies and unfair treatment • Ways of overcoming stress and health problems • Building up inner strength • Stages in life – reasons for moving on, on your own and becoming independent before embarking on a life with someone else •Appreciation of other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions and what they want from life even though they may differ from yours •Encouragement to break the cycle in order to become who you actually are and what you want to be, discovering your true self •Discovering your inner self and finding your soul with the strength to stand alone • Romantic fiction/non-fiction in pursuit of the truth and hidden feelings after a break up incorporating many themes • Rising above hurtful remarks – standing tall and proving your innocence •Appreciating that there is always another side to the story and having the strength tell your side when you are ready • Changes in love, home, work life paths. Ways of coping and positive thinking • Overcoming an operation, burglary, bullying, break-ins, marriage break up, change in career path


Author BIO
Delora Green

Although not a novelist, I am a teacher and I have been writing a book over the past thirteen years that describes events and situations that have occurred in my life, which consequently have triggered off emotions and feelings that I have stored for many years. I am now experiencing the good times and feeling energised, believing in all of my dreams.

Other Publication By Delora Green

Living in a Bubble

Living in a Bubble
Delora Green
ISBN: 9781477242667



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