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The Quickening

Author: Lynn Strongin
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789386653352
Pub. Date: 2018
Price: $15

Born in New York City, at the end of the dirty thirties, to Eastern European Jews, Strongin began her artistic life as composer, then branched off into poetry. Hugh Fox, the late great critic, called her the most exciting poet writing today. Strongin has ten books out and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize several years ago, the top American prize in Literature.

Author BIO
Lynn Strongin

Born in New York City in 1939, Lynn Strongin's name comes up regularly in college classes as one of the most unique voices in American poetry. Strongin has lived in British Columbia for more than a quarter century, but considers herself a profoundly American writer. During the 1960s, she worked with Denise Levertov amidst the lively political environment of Berkeley, California.

Other Publication By Lynn Strongin


Lynn Strongin
ISBN: 978- 81-8253-130-7


Crazed By The Sun

Crazed By The Sun
Lynn Strongin
ISBN: 978- 81-8253-112-3


The Children of the Lime Burners

The Children of the Lime Burners
Lynn Strongin
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Sad Little Street of Shoes

Sad Little Street of Shoes
Lynn Strongin
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Aingeal of the Work House Howl

Aingeal of the Work House Howl
Lynn Strongin
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The Quickening

The Quickening
Lynn Strongin
ISBN: 9789386653352


The Little Sins of Savvanah Street

The Little Sins of Savvanah Street
Lynn Strongin
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Mercy Singing School

Mercy Singing School
Lynn Strongin
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Leap Into Love: Poems Of Passion & Daring

Leap Into Love: Poems Of Passion & Daring
Lynn Strongin
ISBN: 9789388125178



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