
Keep in touch

And they call themselves feminists

Author: Naomi Nkealah
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780620770439
Publisher: The Poets Printery
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $15

A poetry collection by Naomi Nkealah.

Author BIO
Naomi Nkealah

Naomi Nkealah is a senior lecturer in the Department of English Studies at the University of South Africa. Her poems have appeared in various journals and anthologies around the world. One of her poems titled Aborted , originally published in the English Academy Review, has been translated into Spanish and re-published in the Spanish anthology of African women s writing Ellas [También] Cuentan: Antología Inédita de Narrativa Breve y Poesía de Escritoras Africanas de Expresión Inglesa, edited by Federico Vivanco (2017). She has co-edited two anthologies of poetry: Splinters of a Mirage Dawn: An Anthology of Migrant Poetry from South Africa (2013, with Amitabh Mitra), which was shortlisted for the NIHSS Creative and Digital Arts Awards in 2016 in the category of Best Fiction Edited Volume, and Sweep of the Violin: An Anthology of Poetry from Around the World (2016, with Lukas Mkuti).

Other Publication By Naomi Nkealah

And they call themselves feminists

And they call themselves feminists
Naomi Nkealah
ISBN: 9780620770439



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