Janet K. Brennan, aka jb Stillwater, poet and author lives in the foot hills of the Sandia Mountains in the high desert of New Mexico with her husband, Arthur, and a great gray cat named Amos...
Although a native New Englander, she has traveled the world, having spent time living in Pirmesanes Germany, as well as Montecchia di Crossara, Italy
Home for her is the desert. Each time she has left to live in another part of the world, she has longed for her return to what she has determined is her "muse"
Janet's poems, and short stories have been published around the world in various books, periodicals, chap books and trade magazines. She wrote her first novel "Teristen" at the age of twelve, and has been writing ever since. Currently she is publishing two books of her own poetry entitled, "Recollections of an Old Mind.West, Cyberwit Publications, as well as "A Stronger Grace," Casa de Snapdragon Publishing. She has also recently authored a novel "A Dance in the Wood" and is currently working on "The Harriet Murphy Stories" which are already receiving rave reviews.
Janet has her own web-site where much of her work can be read, as well as book reviews for already published books, and manuscripts. Much of her colored pencil art and photography has been published in literary art and travel books, most notably "Different Worlds: a Virtual Journey," Santosh Kumar, chief editor, Taj Mahal Review.
Besides her three grandchildren, her special loves are gardening and hiking. She is also a classical pianist. Janet attended the University of New Hampshire, Hisser Business College and holds a certificate in law from the University of New Mexico. |
Author BIO |
Janet K. Brennan |
Janet K. Brennan, aka jb Stillwater, poet and author lives in the foot hills of the Sandia Mountains in the high desert of New Mexico with her husband, Arthur, and a great gray cat named Amos... Although a native New Englander, she has traveled the world, having spent time living in Pirmesanes Germany, as well as Montecchia di Crossara, Italy Home for her is the desert. Each time she has left to live in another part of the world, she has longed for her return to what she has determined is her "muse"
Other Publication By Janet K. Brennan |
Janet K. Brennan
ISBN: 978-81-8253-075-1