
Keep in touch

Unsung Whispers

Author: Neeshant Srivastava
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789386653154
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $14

Poems included in this poetry book are very natural. The poems are very creative and powerful. In short, amazing poetry!

Author BIO
Neeshant Srivastava

I started writing poetry at the age of twelve. My poetry has evolved over the decades and reached a point when I was forced to preserve and publish them. I was born in Darbhanga, Bihar and my father served the Indian Air Force. We travelled to many cities across the country especially in my early years. My father was an accomplished poet and writer and encouraged me to write from an early age. Melancholy has played a major role in my poems, some in the form of couplets. Perhaps this has erupted from tough times that I went through in my own backyard.

Other Publication By Neeshant Srivastava

Unsung Whispers

Unsung Whispers
Neeshant Srivastava
ISBN: 9789386653154



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