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Beyond Poetry
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This outstanding work by Maya reveals an impressive poetic power and freshness of highly imaginative style. These poems are full of a remarkable diversity of poetic thought, therefore it will have a wide appeal to all readers of poetry books. These poems never fail to stimulate our imagination, because the poet very aptly succeeds in providing 'addition of strangeness to beauty. These poems are full of a remarkable diversity of poetic thought, therefore it will have a wide appeal to all readers of poetry books. These poems never fail to stimulate our imagination, because the poet very aptly succeeds in providing ‘addition of strangeness to beauty.’ It’s remarkable delicacy and subtlety pervades these poems that appeal to the human heart.
REVIEW In several poems we notice bursts of tremendous poetic power. One thing that is admirable about this poetry collection is the energetic imagination and emotional intensity. All poems included in…by…show the poet’s supreme lyrical triumph. These poems are undoubtedly quite powerful. This powerful collection of poems takes you on a journey of nature, finally discovering what it means nature and garden to yourself.
In the poem Flowers the poet speaks about beauty of nature: Butterflies living life of moments Daffodils and tulips, Blushing under the sun. Nightingale singing the song of love Full of ecstasy. (p.15) Again the poem Nature shows Maya’s love for nature and its beauty: The mountains gigantic height, The seasons call, The might of river, All this touches my heart, Yes, nature touches my soul. (p. 39)
Another wonderful collection of poetry. Touching, deep, and resonating. Wonderful reading for anyone looking for poetry. This book is really good. It speaks the soul of nature. Overall, it is good poetry collection by Maya. Wonderful words. Wonderful author. This book of poems is so much more than words…each poem is just amazing. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! This is an amazing collection of poems which will truly speak to your heart in a very deep way. These poems guide the reader to explore beauty of nature. This book is a must have and can make a wonderful gift to anyone who has experienced both deep love and possibly deep pain for nature! Enjoy!!!! John Muir’s quote suits for this poetry book, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” Ruchi Agarwal Reviewer at Pegasus Literary |