
Keep in touch

Facts of Life: that can not change

Author: J. B. Nandlal
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789386653079
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $13

Age is a fact, birth & death is a fact, your present situation is a fact, your health condition is a fact........ you have to accept the fact and take any decision specially on attaining senior age, start up for new business and at any stage during journey of life, keeping in mind the FACTS, which can not change. Accept it and do the best to overcome.

Author BIO
J. B. Nandlal

Mr. J.B.Nandlal, a senior citizen  based in Mumbai  had graduated in hotel management in India and further in U.K. During his active working life, he held senior management positions in hospitality industry for more than three decades, subsequently he operated as hospitality management consultant for two decades , coordinating projects for  hotels, airline on board services, food & beverage chains  etc. in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Goa, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad and other places.

Other Publication By J. B. Nandlal

The Power of Dialogue

The Power of Dialogue
ISBN: 978-8192801056


the art of Productive Ageing

the art of Productive Ageing
ISBN: 978-8182534711



J. B. Nandlal
ISBN: 9788192818702


The Ultimate Success

The Ultimate Success
J.B. Nandlal
ISBN: 978-8182536531


The Smart Manager

The Smart Manager
J.B. Nandlal
ISBN: 9788182536562


Facts of Life: that can not change

Facts of Life: that can not change
J. B. Nandlal
ISBN: 9789386653079



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