
Keep in touch

The Only One for Me

Author: Jcque Turner
Binding: Paperback (pp: 231)
ISBN: 81-8253-069-5
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, Allahabad, India
Pub. Date: 2006
Condition: New
Price: $15

"I had managed to make it through OCS, with a lot of pressure and tension. Anyway, I was now an Ensign in the United States Naval Reserve. I had nearly killed myself in the attempt to become one, and my nerves were nearly shot. The additional money was already nice, and I still wasn’t used to the treatment I was getting--maid service Monday through Friday in a very nice room at the BOQ, for starters. And things were promising to get even nicer. I had two cars, now--one brand-new model for me and one slightly older model, for my sister. They were both parked at home, because I was going to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, to complete an information officers’ course before I left for my permanent duty station at NAS Memphis, Millington, Tennessee. I had been able to think a lot about myself, and I knew that I was going to have to sacrifice a lot of my social life, now. I could still date, but I was going to have to be very selective. After talking to Isaac last week, I knew more than ever that I was looking for someone just like him. It was a shame that we would never be able to get together. I thought we would have made a beautiful couple."

Author BIO
Jacque Turner

Jacque Turner has served on active duty in both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy. A graduate of Howard University and Capella University, where she received a BA in English and an MS in education, respectively, she is currently an adjunct online English instructor at Saint Leo University. She resides in Norfolk, VA.

Other Publication By Jacque Turner

The Only One for Me

The Only One for Me
Jcque Turner
ISBN: 81-8253-069-5



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