
Keep in touch

No Rhyme but Reason

Author: Krishna
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945588
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $14

The latest poetry collection in the form of quatrains No Rhyme but Reason by Palle Krishna Rao reveals the most delicate manifestations of the poet s inner life. Rao makes it clear in his Preface that the contemporary world has abandoned Nature, and it can hope to get rapture by the high moments obtained by its reunion with the sublime objects of nature. He aptly raises the question "How many of us have looked at the dark sky and stars in the recent days?" 'The sheer enormity of the heavens' fails to move us, because we are afflicted with the disease of modern life and the worldliness in ourselves.

Author BIO

An engineer by training, the play of words has always fascinated me from a very young age; spoken rather than the written. The cadence in Martin Luther King Jr. speech 'I Have a Dream' had me riveted then and now. I was the debating team captain and editor of the college magazine. As a bachelor, I was a rolling stone shifting to journalism and part-time politics. I got my feet grounded when I completed a Master of International Management course at Baylor University, Texas. The degree took me to teaching and they were the most wonderful years of my career. I was rated as 'Best Faculty' by my students for seven consecutive years. During the period, I can claim to have authored the first of its kind book 'WTO: Text and Cases'. I was invited as visiting faculty by premier business schools in India including IITM, which sent me to teach for a semester at the University of Applied Sciences, Deggendorf, Germany.

Other Publication By Krishna

No Rhyme but Reason

No Rhyme but Reason
ISBN: 9789385945588



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