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From The Editor TMR June 2010 is a multicultural journal, a truly independent journal devoted to traditional and nontraditional poetry. One of the world’s most significant literary journal TMR promotes and focuses on the best creative writing and art. No doubt, it is a source of powerful, new voices. I hope the emerging authors and visual artists published in this issue of TMR will have a powerful impact on the contemporary world of creative artists both nationally and internationally. Taj Mahal Review will continue to have enormous impact because it includes some of the best art, poems and haiku, short stories, book review, interview, Quotable Quotes, interesting literary facts and Quiz, bio of each creative artist included in this issue. The range of its contents is quite impressive. Haiku is now a regular feature of the Taj Mahal Review. No doubt, haiku has immense potentialities to unite the world due to its popularity. It transcends race, creed and ideology. Internet has made it very popular in no time. The incomparable popularity of haiku became evident with the publication of J. Higginson’s "Haiku World" (1996) including more than 1000 poems by 600 poets from fifty countries writing in 25 languages. It is good for the development of haiku that the poets now are adopting the idea of kigo to their local condition and cultures. I along with Karunesh Agrawal and Cyberwit staff express deep condolence to Haiti earthquake victims. We pray to God to grant peace to the bereaved families. I may add that Charlie Simpson, a seven year old schoolboy from London, did most admirable and incredible work for his fundraising efforts. His fundraising effort gained an international coverage. His sponsored bicycle ride amassed donations of over £210,000 during March, 2010. It is evident that in our materialistic society there is a great number of the righteous people, as charity is a sign of a righteous person. It is beginning of glory and beatitude. "Charity is that rational and constant affection, which makes us sacrifice ourselves to the human race, as if we were united with it, so as to form one individual, partaking equally in its adversity and prosperity" (Confucius). "An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves" (Lydia Maria Child). I thank all the creative artists published in this issue of TMR. I’m indebted to them for their generous support in bringing out this June edition. Without their cooperation, donations and subscriptions it is not possible to publish the international literary journal Taj. I again convey my gratitude to all artists for their help in publishing the June 2010 issue of Taj. SANTOSH KUMAR |