Testimonials - Cyberwit books
I have just received my copy of the December 2005 issue of Taj Majal Review. Thank you so much for exceptionally quick service. This issue appears to be the best yet. I especially liked the increased spacing between lines which makes it very easy to read. I don't know how you manage to bring out such an outstanding product at a price of only $16.00, considering that the price includes the air mail registered postage. That's almost giving it away.
Tony Donovan, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
I need apologize for my reaction to what I had first seen of the cover online thinking that the best half of my photo was cropped for the front cover. I love what you've had done with the wrap around over the binding and onto the back. The print quality finely compliments the original. I'm very proud to have it appear on TMR. Please feel free to forward me any comments given the cover and, or my writing. Also honored to have 5 of my favorite poems on 7 pages accepted and so finely printed and formatted. Making it also available in hardcover beautifully enhances its wonder filled content.The much improved packaging resulted in all books arriving in perfect condition. Packaging 6 TMR seems to be the perfect size and weight for its safe handling enroute. What with having my fussy portrait artistry commenting Possibly enlarging your photo 2-3 X and insisting that your printer improve its pictoral resolution. I like your color photo in 'Harvests', Attractively enlarged some will all the more compliment your brilliant Editorials. Should I ever brave a voyage to visit you all in India. I would have you all pose for a deserving group portrait that would appear somewhere within Cyberwits pages. just a few ideas ...out yonder to ponder from out here in So. California. Suggestion; It would be very encouraging to have an ongoing ONLINE 'Comment to Contributors' page that we can read and an email to thank the readers. Interactions will most certainly encourage subscriptions and an opportunity to make new friends. Hopefully, all efforts will help TMR's 'Earthy' Peaceful contents be judged by its inviting cover.
I'm delighted of having my photo art embrace the front and back cover of your wonder filled Dec' 05 TMR issue. Appearing, are five of my poems, proudly contented, among the many talented writers. Cyberwit continues to dedicate and academically publish worldwide for Peace, Empathy and Goodwill. Soulful inspires that have its contributors and readers support its premise for Earths Rescue. For as long I'm given the spiritualness of mind and aging body, my sincere efforts will strive to support its existence Thankful to our Chief Editor, Dr Santosh Kumar, its entire staff and productive facilities. Please help subscribe as loving gifts for the New Year.
'Save the Planet, Save its Families'
Louie Levy
Very sorry if I did not respond once I received the journals. Yes, I did get them and the wonderful volume of poetry as well. A truly excellent collection of writing. I will be a Taj Mahal customer for life now. Thank you for the publication and the rapid sending of my copies of the journal. I also want to thank you for helping so many great writers get their work read. The book you included, Silence Speaks, with poems by Shanu Goyal was beautiful. As an American, I only read what the state of affairs is in other countries. Reading her words gave me hope for the future of men and women both sharing equal literary freedom in the future ahead. You are doing great work.
Christian Avery Bryant, CA, USA
Dear Mr. Agrawal,
I am very happy to be included in this edition. Your editor's note on the page was inspiring and touched a chord in myself that I have felt in a long time. Sometimes I feel as if my style of writing is from another time and does not belong here. Your site inspires me to go forward as it probably does for others.
Crystal Diane Arbogast, MO, USA
Dear Karunesh,
This must be a massive undertaking for you and your staff, especially as it's a twice a year publication. What a lovely job you do. I found several of my online-writer friends listed in this issue, and in a way it felt like coming home.
Paul (Alan Fahey), CA, USA
I've been able to read parts of it and I'm very impressed. The diversity within the pages of the Taj Mahal Review 2005 is exactly what I was hoping for. Beautiful poetry to provoke the mind, mixed with reflections to incite self analysis, and intriguing short storiess have made this volume a grand one. I'm thrilled to have my work included with the other authors. The bio section is also quite interesting. The Taj Mahal Review 2005 will certainly be well received as its readers are introduced to writers from all over the world who feel strongly we are all responsible for what the future holds. Many people who read this book will gain inspiration from it and learn something new about the world we have to share. Have a good week. It's been a pleasure corresponding with you.
Nora Weston, USA
Hi Karunesh,
So nice to hear from you and yes Taj Mahal review came yesterday and it is very fine and I am enjoying reading it. I am well thank you and still thinking of my wonderful holiday in India. I wish I could return one day, who knows. Two of my group are returning in October to help in a school run by a wonderful French girl called Stephanie in Khajuraho. She started a school, which we visited, and we were so impressed by her work. I am enclosing a photo of one of the Tigers I saw in The Bandhavgarh.
Yvonne, Essex, UK
Yes, I received them today, and they are just beautiful! I am very proud to be a part of this intelligent publication. Every word within its cover is a salute to the beauty of life on this planet. Good job!
Janet K. Brennan, NM, USA
Dear Karunesh Agrawal,
The June edition of Taj Mahal arrived today and it is lovely! Again, I thank you for including me in the June 2005 review. We are having dinner at a favorite restaurant this evening to celebrate my first official publishing credit for poetry. While journalism is my livelihood, poetry is my love! I am feeling a rush of emotion ranging from gratitude to excitement. Still my heart is praying for the victims and their families of the 2004 tsunami. Six months have not healed the people. It is my hope support and aide continue to come to the people who bore that tragedy.
Eden Bryant, NC, USA
Dear Karunesh Agrawal,
I am sorry it took me so long to answer this e-mail, yes I did receive my copy and thank you for the beautiful picture. I am coming out with a book next year, I just signed the contract a couple of weeks ago. This will be the first novel I have had published. If you are interested maybe I could send you an announcement before it comes out.
Victoria Ellison, OH, USA
I want you to know that I love the book I recently recieved from you, The Taj Mahal Review. My poem, MISSING, was done up so very nicely, and what you wrote at the end of it, was very wonderful, and heart felt. Thankyou so much. And, so many beautiful poems inside it, and stories as well, from people all over the world. One from Venice, Italy... amazing. It is all over the world. I love this book, and have shown it off to many people so far. Thanks again, and looking foward to more. Best wishes to you my dear friend, and much luck too. This book was dedicated to the Tsunami victims in that part of the world. I hope many of them are touched by the work in this book. So many there need their spirits lifted, and my heart has been completely open to them all.
David T. Culver, AL, USA
My copies of Taj Mahal Review June 2005 have arrived safely. I thought that the production quality was superb, even exceeding your own previously high standards. Beautiful cover binding a wonderful diversity of thought provoking stories and poems. I was proud to be included within it. Well done! It was a kind thought to dedicate this issue to the victims of the tsunami. I hadn't realised that so many had died in southern India until I read Santosh's editorial.
Peter Ebsworth, Diss, UK
Keep in touch
Testimonials - Cyberwit books
I have just received my copy of the December 2005 issue of Taj Majal Review. Thank you so much for exceptionally quick service. This issue appears to be the best yet. I especially liked the increased spacing between lines which makes it very easy to read. I don't know how you manage to bring out such an outstanding product at a price of only $16.00, considering that the price includes the air mail registered postage. That's almost giving it away.
Tony Donovan, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
I need apologize for my reaction to what I had first seen of the cover online thinking that the best half of my photo was cropped for the front cover. I love what you've had done with the wrap around over the binding and onto the back. The print quality finely compliments the original. I'm very proud to have it appear on TMR. Please feel free to forward me any comments given the cover and, or my writing. Also honored to have 5 of my favorite poems on 7 pages accepted and so finely printed and formatted. Making it also available in hardcover beautifully enhances its wonder filled content.The much improved packaging resulted in all books arriving in perfect condition. Packaging 6 TMR seems to be the perfect size and weight for its safe handling enroute. What with having my fussy portrait artistry commenting Possibly enlarging your photo 2-3 X and insisting that your printer improve its pictoral resolution. I like your color photo in 'Harvests', Attractively enlarged some will all the more compliment your brilliant Editorials. Should I ever brave a voyage to visit you all in India. I would have you all pose for a deserving group portrait that would appear somewhere within Cyberwits pages. just a few ideas ...out yonder to ponder from out here in So. California. Suggestion; It would be very encouraging to have an ongoing ONLINE 'Comment to Contributors' page that we can read and an email to thank the readers. Interactions will most certainly encourage subscriptions and an opportunity to make new friends. Hopefully, all efforts will help TMR's 'Earthy' Peaceful contents be judged by its inviting cover.
I'm delighted of having my photo art embrace the front and back cover of your wonder filled Dec' 05 TMR issue. Appearing, are five of my poems, proudly contented, among the many talented writers. Cyberwit continues to dedicate and academically publish worldwide for Peace, Empathy and Goodwill. Soulful inspires that have its contributors and readers support its premise for Earths Rescue. For as long I'm given the spiritualness of mind and aging body, my sincere efforts will strive to support its existence Thankful to our Chief Editor, Dr Santosh Kumar, its entire staff and productive facilities. Please help subscribe as loving gifts for the New Year.
'Save the Planet, Save its Families'
Louie Levy
Very sorry if I did not respond once I received the journals. Yes, I did get them and the wonderful volume of poetry as well. A truly excellent collection of writing. I will be a Taj Mahal customer for life now. Thank you for the publication and the rapid sending of my copies of the journal. I also want to thank you for helping so many great writers get their work read. The book you included, Silence Speaks, with poems by Shanu Goyal was beautiful. As an American, I only read what the state of affairs is in other countries. Reading her words gave me hope for the future of men and women both sharing equal literary freedom in the future ahead. You are doing great work.
Christian Avery Bryant, CA, USA
Dear Mr. Agrawal,
I am very happy to be included in this edition. Your editor's note on the page was inspiring and touched a chord in myself that I have felt in a long time. Sometimes I feel as if my style of writing is from another time and does not belong here. Your site inspires me to go forward as it probably does for others.
Crystal Diane Arbogast, MO, USA
Dear Karunesh,
This must be a massive undertaking for you and your staff, especially as it's a twice a year publication. What a lovely job you do. I found several of my online-writer friends listed in this issue, and in a way it felt like coming home.
Paul (Alan Fahey), CA, USA
I've been able to read parts of it and I'm very impressed. The diversity within the pages of the Taj Mahal Review 2005 is exactly what I was hoping for. Beautiful poetry to provoke the mind, mixed with reflections to incite self analysis, and intriguing short storiess have made this volume a grand one. I'm thrilled to have my work included with the other authors. The bio section is also quite interesting. The Taj Mahal Review 2005 will certainly be well received as its readers are introduced to writers from all over the world who feel strongly we are all responsible for what the future holds. Many people who read this book will gain inspiration from it and learn something new about the world we have to share. Have a good week. It's been a pleasure corresponding with you.
Nora Weston, USA
Hi Karunesh,
So nice to hear from you and yes Taj Mahal review came yesterday and it is very fine and I am enjoying reading it. I am well thank you and still thinking of my wonderful holiday in India. I wish I could return one day, who knows. Two of my group are returning in October to help in a school run by a wonderful French girl called Stephanie in Khajuraho. She started a school, which we visited, and we were so impressed by her work. I am enclosing a photo of one of the Tigers I saw in The Bandhavgarh.
Yvonne, Essex, UK
Yes, I received them today, and they are just beautiful! I am very proud to be a part of this intelligent publication. Every word within its cover is a salute to the beauty of life on this planet. Good job!
Janet K. Brennan, NM, USA
Dear Karunesh Agrawal,
The June edition of Taj Mahal arrived today and it is lovely! Again, I thank you for including me in the June 2005 review. We are having dinner at a favorite restaurant this evening to celebrate my first official publishing credit for poetry. While journalism is my livelihood, poetry is my love! I am feeling a rush of emotion ranging from gratitude to excitement. Still my heart is praying for the victims and their families of the 2004 tsunami. Six months have not healed the people. It is my hope support and aide continue to come to the people who bore that tragedy.
Eden Bryant, NC, USA
Dear Karunesh Agrawal,
I am sorry it took me so long to answer this e-mail, yes I did receive my copy and thank you for the beautiful picture. I am coming out with a book next year, I just signed the contract a couple of weeks ago. This will be the first novel I have had published. If you are interested maybe I could send you an announcement before it comes out.
Victoria Ellison, OH, USA
I want you to know that I love the book I recently recieved from you, The Taj Mahal Review. My poem, MISSING, was done up so very nicely, and what you wrote at the end of it, was very wonderful, and heart felt. Thankyou so much. And, so many beautiful poems inside it, and stories as well, from people all over the world. One from Venice, Italy... amazing. It is all over the world. I love this book, and have shown it off to many people so far. Thanks again, and looking foward to more. Best wishes to you my dear friend, and much luck too. This book was dedicated to the Tsunami victims in that part of the world. I hope many of them are touched by the work in this book. So many there need their spirits lifted, and my heart has been completely open to them all.
David T. Culver, AL, USA
My copies of Taj Mahal Review June 2005 have arrived safely. I thought that the production quality was superb, even exceeding your own previously high standards. Beautiful cover binding a wonderful diversity of thought provoking stories and poems. I was proud to be included within it. Well done! It was a kind thought to dedicate this issue to the victims of the tsunami. I hadn't realised that so many had died in southern India until I read Santosh's editorial.
Peter Ebsworth, Diss, UK