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Testimonials -

Dear Karunesh,
Many thanks for the Taj Mahal review that has arrived safely with me today in the UK . I was impressed with the physical quality of the book which is much better than the current mass-produced paperbacks. I will enjoy reading through it and I look forward to dealing with you in the future. Many thanks for your help.

Steve Morris

Thank you for your good wishes. Your package arrived yesterday and we are very pleased with the look and the contents of your Taj Mahal Review. We hope that this note finds you and your family in good health and looking forward to the New Year.

Bob Ruehrdanz

The Taj Mahal Review , obviously a labor of love and language, reads like its beautiful cover, inviting me to turn its pages. I'm honored to have my story, " America 's Child," included. Thank you, too, for my gift of haiku, and for your good wishes. I send mine right back to you.

Lucille Gang Shulklapper

The issue has just arrived, along with your New Year's greeting, which is much appreicated. I am grateful for your providing my work such a handsome and appealing showcase.

John Palcewski

I did receive my copies of the Taj Mahal Review, before Christmas, so I could give them as presents!!! I am very impressed with the quality of your journal and the distinguished writers whose stories you've selected make it a very satisfying publication. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into publishing this fine journal!

Russ Curtis

I did indeed receive it. Are you using new paper? The overall design and layout is very impressive. Thanks for publishing the story.

Stephen Healey

Yes I have received the book. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of such a beautifully publication. I look forward to sharing with you, more of my work.

Dianna Toomey

Thank you Karunesh, the Taj Mahal Review arrived today. Thank you for your beautifully presented book of haiku and also the very thoughtful New Year Card. May I also wish you a very happy New Year 2008 and all success in your project. I shall read the books with great interest.

Lynette Arden

I have received my copies of The Taj Mahal Review and your thoughtful card. Thank you very much. The quality of the book and the level of contributions are very impressive. Thank you again for getting in touch with me. Let me wish you the very best for the New Year.

Roger W. Harrington.

I received the copies, and very fine they are. It is always an honor to be included in your publication. I wish you and your staff the very best for 2008.

Andrew McIntyre


Hi there, I got the book and it's beautiful. Thank you, for the gift of publishing me. My relatives are buying the book. I also loved the Happy New Year card you sent. Thanks again, and A Very Happy New Year to you and a safe one. For sure I'll be reading it.

Lynda Ortiz

Taj Mahal Review received and is being read with interest. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Alan Morgan

Good afternoon: Mr. Kumar: This very minute, the famous remittance has just arrived, having taken 25 days to reach the Brazilian Shores, but most fortunately has arrived. What a lovely issue, fantastic, needing of course a Special Award 2008. I shall be reading all the poems with all my love and care inside myself and will of course, be contacting you thence.

Maryse Schouella

Good evening: Dearest Kumar Karunesh: I am delighted by this lovely review entitled Tajmahal: It is a beautiful cover and the book is fantastic., thank you so much for sending it to me: Its´ fantastic and moving to see our poems published and also a great encouragement: Thank you so much Kumar Karunesh:

K U M A R K A R U N E S H :

K - known knowledge throughout the world,
U - union transmits power,
M - Master of Arts,
A - always,
R - revealing,

K A R U N E S H :

K - keeping records,
A - attracting poets,
R - ready to be more helpful,
U - united,
N - needing an,
E - easy,
S - special,
H - homage:

Three Cheers to Kumar Karunesh and family,

Three Cheers to Santosh Kumar,

In and around the world.

Thanks a million for giving me the opportunity to be known in India and elsewhere:

Maryse Schouella

Today I've received the Taj Mahal Review December 2007 which I ordered via cyberwit on the 18th of January 2008. I want to express my sincere gratitude, first of all, for the publishing of my poem in this marvellous book and, of course, for the quick delivery.

Hope your publishing house continues to prosper and to bring the ray of hope and happiness to the surrounding world. I'm looking forward to our further collaboration as I always have new poems to offer for publication and you have a possibility to publish those that you consider to be the best.

Mariia Subotovych

Ever since I received your email asking me if I have received the latest edition of your fabulous book yet, I've been filled with great anticipation waiting for its arrival in the mail, especially knowing that it contained some of my work. Well, my Taj Mahal Review arrived yesterday and I can't be more pleased, not only with my contribution but with the other very interesting stories that authors from all over the world have contributed. It is truly a magnificent parlay of the human experiencethat enlightens souls for better understanding and acceptance of the many human conditions that make up the different lives we lead.

Mr. Karunesh, you truly are performing a great service with your reflections and perspectives of the of the pain and suffering that exists in different parts of the world. May peace be with you as you continue to inspire the good that is inside of us all. There will always be those less fortunate that need hope and encouragement for improving not only their lives but others as well. Thank you.

Robert William Braswell

couldn't be more pleased. Yesterday, I picked up my copy of Taj Mahal Review from the post office and it was a joy to hold in my hands. I can't wait to get to the writing inside - of course, I've already reread my story! - and expect to find something worthwhile. It was a pleasure working with you, and good luck with your endeavors and future issues.

Thomas Boulan

I most happily received 4 of the new beautifully hard covered TMR in perfect condition and very delighted to see my endeavors so proudly published with many authors of great and gifted talent. The others you’ve sent to my family and friends will no doubt be one of the best I’ve gifted for the holidays. The very creative Art selection being a joyable bonus added to an already diverse literary content and for such a reasonable cost per copy. Please keep up the fine work you all are doing for us to be read and expressed internationally.

My sincere wishes to all for a Loving and Peaceful Life for all on Earth

Louie Levy

Thanks for checking. I received it in excellent condition. Thanks, and happy holidays.

Calisto Mudzingwa

I did receive my hard cover copy, and it is beautiful! I still have to go to the post office to pick up the others, I wasn’t home to sign for them. I was lucky when the other one came, I had come home for lunch that day!

Kimberly Raiser

I received my Taj Mahal and as the usual it was GREAT! You do such an excellent job of editing and publishing, it is well worth the value. As always you also sent another book of poetry which I enjoy and a Picture of a place in India, again I appreciate all that you do, I give you my highest praise and Think of all of you as family as well as a business partner, Have a fantastic end of year, and again highest regards and Thanks,

D Everett Newell
The Big D

Hello Karunesh! First, my apologize for the delay. My computer had many problems. I love this! The book by María Cristina Azcona is very lovely. I didn´t know her. She is a wonderful writer and woman! I´m going to read her. Thanks for all! Maybe, for the next edition I will send a short story and an artwork.

Elizabeth Pujalka

I have received my copy of TMR and its lovely. I’m enjoying reading it and was also impressed that my own submissions had been marked by a bookmark in the copy sent to me, the inclusion of a photo wishing me all the best for the new year was also a really nice and thoughtful gesture. I love the values of peace and brotherhood of man that the TMR seeks to promote and hope it goes from strength to strength. Warm regards,

Debs Higginson

Hope you are doing fine, as well. I did receive my copies, and am very grateful for your speedy dispatch, and delivery. All, who wanted a copy, and received one, are very pleased. Particularly, the owner of the dog, Zowie, and the grandmother of the child, Kristy. One other inquiry, if you please. The fans of the singer, Clay Aiken, who is one of my drawings you published, were all excited about my drawing of him being published! Just curious, have you received many unusual amount of orders from different areas of different countries? His fans are quite enthusiastic, and will purchase most anything that has to do with him. Just curious, because the link to purchasing your "Taj Mahal Review" June 2006, publication, has been posted at some of his fans’ message boards.

Carliss Mora aka Cezanne

Yes, my copy came a week ago. Thank you. I’m glad to see that I’m nearer to the front of the book this time. ;-) And by the way, I take both books with me during my business travels and show them to potential clients. Hopefully I can steer a few orders your way.

Steve Love

Your June 2006 issue is even more impressive than the prior two I’ve read. More stories, more poems, and I do believe the paper is of a higher grade. I’ve already read half the stories in this issue, and you and your editor show discerning taste in choosing which stories to publish. I thank you for including mine in such high quality company.

Leon Barnes

I’ve received all 4 HC TMR on 6/30 in perfect condition The books binding and construction are of very high quality. Its cover art by ‘LadyMagic’ is graphically intriguing and colorful. My having read several hours of its amazing content, eagerly, upon their arrival. I’m more than thankful to you both for selecting my art, poetry and storied Reflections. Having been published with as many a worldly kindred spirit, has me all the more humble and musely encouraged. My sincere congratulations to all of Cyberwit staff for their combined, creative efforts. June ’06 Taj Mahal Review has surly evolved to become one of its own, unique literary classic.

Louie Levy

The June issue of Taj Mahal Review arrived in good condition. It sure is a "big" book. I have given it a look through and it promises to be a good and varied reading again. Thanks for including my poem. It is nice to read from all those people all over the world. Indeed one wonders why there is so much misunderstanding when also books like this can be put together. I also want to thank you for the extra book. I wonder if you hand picked this one as it is from another dutch woman. I did not read the whole book yet but her poetry and the way she started writing in english, resembles my own. What I read so far I liked a lot. And guess what, she is from a town very near to where I live. I wonder if you could get her permission to give me an e-mail or other contact details. Or if I could write her a short note through your publishing house if you would be so kind to pass it on.

Anja Wellen

Dear Santosh, first of all let me congratulate you on another magnificent (June 2006) issue of TMR, it is a treasure trove of literature and the hardcover book is impressive. I also liked the artwork very much, it is varied and original. This magazine should be given a major award in the anglo-saxon literary arena. Did you ever try to submit it for this purpose? I also want to thank you Kumar, for your excellent review on Oh Zaperetta! It warmed my heart inasmuch as people like the series very much. Then too thank you for your own Helicon chapbook. The antiterror poems are very telling, full of empathy and justified anger, especially after the bombs that wreaked so much carnage and havoc in Mumbai. But these evil people sow hate and destruction all over the world. Will there ever be a stop to their madness? I really doubt it.

Albert Russo

Yes, I have received the June issue of TMR and as usual the stories, poems and overall design are most impressive. The cover design is particularly remarkable and the length, nearly 500 pages, makes this edition an outstanding bargain.

John Cuetara
Yes, I most certainly did receive June, Taj and it was, as always a beautiful piece of literature and art. I am at

Janet K. Brennan

I got the book so fast. I unwrapped it and I was so happy. My art was very fine printed and choosen. And hole book is well worth reading.

Pepita Selles

Thanks much for the latest issue of Taj Mahal Review. What a fine collection of literary gems! Looks as if I have my work cut out for me! I hope things are well in your corner of the world. Once again it is a privilege to be counted among your stable of writers. Please continue.

WS ("Bill") Mayo

It will take me awhile to get through all the stories and poems! The people at my post office thought it was great to receive something from India. My friend’s grandsons inherited the packing box because they had never seen stamps from India.

Ronda Del Boccio

I have indeed received the June edition of The Taj Mahal Review and I am delighted with it. It is exceptional in every way. I hope to appear in future editions of this world class publication.

Sandra Fowler

I did receive the TMR June 2006 issue, containing my short story - "JOURNEY TO THE CORNERS OF THE EARTH: Encounter in a Chapultepec Forest". Thank you so much. Your literary journal is exquisite, and I am so proud to be published in such a distinguished international literary journal. This has inspired me in my literary writing. Hopefully, this will help me to finish my doctoral dissertation. I am really impressed with the different art pieces published in the art section of your June 2006 issue. The paintings and photos are so beautiful, so aesthetically touching and meaningful. But I would like to make a helpful suggestion to you. In light of the ongoing terrible tragedy in the Middle East such as Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine and other areas of the world, I would like to recommend that you place more emphasis on literary contributions that stress peace, justice, human rights, and reconciliation. In Dr. Noam Chomsky’s brilliant, charismastic visionary book - "Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance" - he articulates so eloquently that humankind is at a crossroads in which if we do not something fairly soon about the frightening trend towards violence like wars; increasing destruction of the environment; ethnic, religious, racial, and linguistic conflicts; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, mounting militarization; globalization such as the spread of neo-colonialism and imperialism, and so forth, humankind/homo sapiens is faced with frightening possibility of extinction, including the destruction of our precious planet. I personally feel and believe that the world is accelerating in that dangerous trend that could ultimately result in an Armageddon; if we do not do something drastically to reverse that trend that could quite possibly spin out of control. In conclusion, it is absolutely imperative FOR US to take the necessary steps collectively to prevent that ultimate global holocaust and make this a much more humane and blessed world; and we DO have the power to do so collectively. Thank you so much for your kind inquiry and friendship. I appreciate your literary journal so much, and I do hope to continue to contribute to it.

George Bradford Patterson II

Today the book volume 4 number 2 december 2005 came into my hands... i did also appreciate the photo of the waterfalls - where i was born waterfalls are a manifold joy rushing spectacle - meranoaltoadige in bella italia. i received two more books today - so i will have ample time to spend myfestive times abrowsing enjoy warm and quiet restive festive time i sign with a wideopenskydecemberlondonsmile of gratitude. i am reading all the stories and poems and admire the art work again and again and i think u are doing a great job - ur secret seems to be that u enjoy editing and publishing and it is a pity there are so many hills and valleys between us - but - alas - there is imagination realm...


xandal danzabel

I just received my copy of Taj Mahal Review in the mail and wanted to write and tell you how beautiful it is. Thank you so much for including my piece in with the work of some truly gifted writers. I have been reading the other stories and poems and enjoying them immensely. Also, the second journal, Voice of the Phoenix, is equally fascinating to read.

Chloe Noland


I need apologize for my reaction to what I had first seen of the cover online thinking that the best half of my photo was cropped for the front cover. I love what you’ve had done with the wrap around over the binding and onto the back. The print quality finely compliments the original. I’m very proud to have it appear on TMR. Please feel free to forward me any comments given the cover and, or my writing. Also honored to have 5 of my favorite poems on 7 pages accepted and so finely printed and formatted. Making it also available in hardcover beautifully enhances its wonder filled content.The much improved packaging resulted in all books arriving in perfect condition. Packaging 6 TMR seems to be the perfect size and weight for its safe handling enroute. What with having my fussy portrait artistry commenting Possibly enlarging your photo 2-3 X and insisting that your printer improve its pictoral resolution. I like your color photo in ‘Harvests’, Attractively enlarged some will all the more compliment your brilliant Editorials. Should I ever brave a voyage to visit you all in India. I would have you all pose for a deserving group portrait that would appear somewhere within Cyberwits pages. just a few ideas ...out yonder to ponder from out here in So. California


It would be very encouraging to have an ongoing ONLINE ‘Comment to Contributors’ page that we can read and an email to thank the readers. Interactions will most certainly encourage subscriptions and an opportunity to make new friends. Hopefully, all efforts will help TMR’s ‘Earthy’ Peaceful contents be judged by its inviting cover. I’m delighted of having my photo art embrace the front and back cover of your wonder filled Dec’ 05 TMR issue. Appearing, are five of my poems, proudly contented, among the many talented writers. Cyberwit continues to dedicate and academically publish worldwide for Peace, Empathy and Goodwill. Soulful inspires that have its contributors and readers support its premise for Earths Rescue. For as long I’m given the spiritualness of mind and aging body, my sincere efforts will strive to support its existence Thankful to our Chief Editor, Dr Santosh Kumar, its entire staff and productive facilities. Please help subscribe as loving gifts for the New Year.

‘Save the Planet, Save its Families’

Louie Levy

What one knew on Thursday, by Friday, with grace, another found out. On Monday the first re-assesses, by Tuesday both are in doubt. But this questioning makes fail, only that work love does not do. Then, if, like the ‘..Review’ love senses its own presence, extent of good work shows equal love’s due. I received, read the opening pages and dived-in here and there in the Review, am quite glad to be part and plan to spend quality time with.

Joseph Duvernay

I just glanced thru it, but I am sure it is going to be a great one to read... for those who like poetry and those who like to read short stories.. I like to read both since I used to write short stories too. I always give a copy to an elderly lady who lives next door.. She loves your publications and reads them from cover to cover and then gives them to her children to read. Thanks also for HELICON, Santosh’s book.. I am sure I will enjoy it.

Luv, Del

I received the two books and was delighted to see how beautifully you handled my work. From the attractive covers to the inspiring content your project was flawless. I’m honored to have been included in such an excellent publication. Just wanted you to know that everyone who sees Taj Mahal is very complimentary. You certainly did a splendid job of producint an outstanding book.

Barbara Anton


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