A leading publisher of poetry books.
We are eager to help authors/visitors in all the way we can. Please email your all queries related to book publishing, distribution, orders, book promotion, royalty payments etc. at:
For Media review copy: info@tajmahalreview.com
For Marketing and Publicity related queries: info@tajmahalreview.com
For rights or permissions queries: info@cyberwit.net
For submissions queries or to submit a manuscript: info@cyberwit.net
Or write us at:
Dr. Karunesh Kumar Agarwal (Managing Editor)Cyberwit.netHIG 45, KAUSHAMBI KUNJ,
ALLAHABAD - 211011 (U.P.)
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A leading publisher of poetry books.
We are eager to help authors/visitors in all the way we can. Please email your all queries related to book publishing, distribution, orders, book promotion, royalty payments etc. at:
For Media review copy: info@tajmahalreview.com
For Marketing and Publicity related queries: info@tajmahalreview.com
For rights or permissions queries: info@cyberwit.net
For submissions queries or to submit a manuscript: info@cyberwit.net
Or write us at:
Dr. Karunesh Kumar Agarwal (Managing Editor)Cyberwit.netHIG 45, KAUSHAMBI KUNJ,
ALLAHABAD - 211011 (U.P.)