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No doubt, we find here the emotional depth and heights of the great soul which composed these extraordinary poems. The delicate and fine felicity of style is vividly visible in these poems. These poems are devoid of any labored vocabulary. The poems are quite notable on account of sufficiently powerful truth of feeling expressed in spontaneous style.
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- 9789363549487
- Publisher:
- Condition:
A Poetry Encyclopedia of Dreams |
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- Jakob Brønnum
- 9789363545342
- Publisher:
- Condition:
All the Wealth And Splendor |
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $17
- Author:
- D.E. Ritterbusch
- 9789363549739
- Publisher:
- Condition:
Amen to Artillery |
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- Sean Lause
- 9789363548848
- Publisher:
- Condition:
Careful Not to Startle the Yaks |

It’s impossible not to acknowledge Denis Garrison and Michael McClintock of Modern English Tanka, editors who had a profound influence on me as a writer, not least because they seemed to like my tanka. Of course, Sanford Goldstein’s work with tanka sequences and strings was an inspiration, as was translator Carl Sesar’s Takuboku: Poems to Eat, which was, fittingly, a gift from food writer John Thorne. Later, though I had written a few sequences, Marilyn Hazelton of Red Lights was an influence, spotting sequences in my submissions of individual tanka that I hadn’t seen. And, of course, where would tanka prose in general be without Jeffrey Woodward’s championing of the form in The Tanka Prose Anthology and the journal Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose?
As soon as one starts thanking people, there is the risk of leaving someone out, which I don’t want to do. M Kei of Atlas Poetica, Beverley George of Eucalypt, Claire Everett of Skylark were also encouraging editors. There were others. I would like to thank them and everyone who’s encouraged the appreciation of tanka. And I would be remiss not to bow to the many wonderful writers of the form. The list of journals in the acknowledgements should indicate the scope of my gratitude.
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- Bob Lucky
- 9789363540170
- Publisher:
- Condition:
Danse Macabre |

While much contemporary poetry focuses on personal narrative or identity exploration (both valuable approaches), Rush seems to be pursuing something more ambitious: an investigation of how we can think, love, and connect authentically in our current moment. His work demonstrates that it's possible to write philosophical poetry that isn't merely abstract intellectualism, and conversational poetry that isn't merely anecdotal.
Each poem shows careful craft while serving a larger philosophical purpose, suggesting a poet who is both technically skilled and intellectually serious. Even in the more abstract or philosophical poems, there's often an underlying sense of emotional urgency, as if Rush is grappling with big ideas not just as intellectual exercises, but as deeply felt responses to the complexities of human experience. Far from being cold or detached, Rush's poetry is infused with a kind of passionate intensity, a desire to understand and make sense of the world in all its messy and contradictory complexity.
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- M. C. Rush
- 9789363545687
- Publisher:
- Condition:
Dreamscape Journeys |
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- Jakob Brønnum
- 9789363540637
- Publisher:
- Condition:

Jim Hanson’s poems speak to the epic issues of how faith is lost in a material and mortal world, and how it can be found through responses that are spiritual and worldly as well as religious and heavenly. They follow the line of paradise lost and gained by John Milton and divine transcendence by Dante, but with the breadth of perennial philosophy. They recognize that faith is doubtful, perhaps futile, like Sisyphus pushing his rock with great effort and no outcome, oscillating between resolution and dissolution, sin and redemption, samsara and nirvana. Is the end another, exalted beginning as promised by T.S. Eliot or the futility lamented by Sylvia Plath and John Berryman? Perhaps the finding and losing of faith is an unending process.
The poems start with doubt about self and human nature expressed in demons, violence, and residue. They proceed to knowledge sought starting 2,500 years ago in the Axial Age, in a dialogue of similar issues then and now, and in the world around us regarding the Anthropic Principle. They go on to posit multicultural responses to doubt and suffering – theistic, Western, and Eastern – then to more individual responses of paths to take and of perennial faith to be found. So we all may have some faith in our selves and in the social/cultural realm, bio-physical realm, and ideal gods and heavens – some transcendental faith beyond who we are and what we know.
Jim Hanson is a sociologist and retired Senior Researcher at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. He has taught sociology and community development, also has worked in community and economic development. He is a lay-ordained Zen Buddhist and lives in the St. Louis area with his wife, Carol. His poetry collections include Endless Journey: Poems in Search of Meaning published in 2022 by Spartan Press, Perspectives: Educational Poems on the Humanities and Sciences published in 2023 by Resource Publications, and Ruminations: Poems on Living and Dying published in 2023 by Cyberwit Press. Single poems have appeared in some thirty websites and printings. He is a member of the and Illinois State Poetry Society Southern Chapter and St. Louis Poetry Center.
- Volume:
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Availability:
- Pub.Date:
- 2025
- Price:
- $15
- Author:
- Jim Hanson
- 9789363547681
- Publisher:
- Condition:
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