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Zoe Savina



Zoe Savina was born in Athens. She is married to sculptor Vangelis Moustakas. She has published 22 poetry collections, the seven of which are small poetic compositions and four haiku books. In 2019 LAMBERT Academic Bublishing published its essay: "PLENTINESS OUT OF LITTLENESS" The Landscape of Haiku in Greece -Haiku: A Spiritual Globalisation. Her collection Enchantress contains haiku and tanka, being bilingual, while its third edition is translated into 5 languages. In 2002, she published an International Haiku Anthology -The Leaves are Back on the Tree, 500 pages, featuring 186 poets, from 50 countries. Her haiku book The House (2008), which was bilingual, was published also in Colombia: "La Casa" (2009) in Spanish. Most of her books are bilingual. She is member of the National Association of Greek Writers, founding member of the Coordinating Center of Hellenism, member of the World Haiku Association (Fujimi Saitama) Japan and honorary member of the Yugoslav Haiku Association. She has taken part in and delivered speeches at conferences and symposia in Greece and abroad. She presented 34 poets in the context of Nuovi Poeti Greci (1982) for the Grafic Olimpia di Milano. Her poems have been awarded and published in poetry journals, anthologies, newspapers, magazines, Who's Who, radio and television in 19 countries. She writes poetry, haiku, tanka, minicuentos, essays, fairy tales, and critical presentations. She often collaborates with literary magazines. Today, she collaborates with the magazine "The 3rd Millennium". All her books are decorated with drawings made by the sculptor Vangelis Moustakas, by the painter Alexandros Moustakas and with her own collages. E-mail :

Books By Zoe Savina

Now I Know

Now I Know
Zoe Savina
ISBN: 9789389690262


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