
Keep in touch

Subimal Palit

The author at has come across large number of women. Among them notably his mother. His experience sums up "By and large most women suffers from oppression in men dominated society. Worst suffers are in Islamic countries." His conviction is now confirm from about 70 Pen Pals choose from all over the world. The submissions are true and reproduced in their own words. The author has seen tears, deep sigh. Wants to revolt if chance is available. Author feels readers would find different taste in the dialogue with one to one. See their agonized mind inside, this picture. Can you feel her mind in her eye which is holding tears !! Read the story she wants to tell the world !

Books By Subimal Palit

Women, Subimal Palit their woes

Women, Subimal Palit their woes
Subimal Palit
ISBN: 9788182535107


Rhythm in life

Rhythm in life
Subimal Palit
ISBN: 9788182535510


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