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Shreya Chatterjee

A writer by profession and a poet at will- Shreya Chatterjee was born in Kolkata in 1985 and was brought up in Bihar and Kolkata alike. She is educated at G.D. Birla Centre for education, Presidency College, Kolkata and University of Calcutta. She has been writing since her school and college days, and has been an ardent member of, since her college days. She writes mostly in English and Bengali. Few of her early poems have been published in college magazines and little magazines like “Raison d'être“, and “Bonhik” Presently, her works have been published in main stream magazines like "Kindle"-published from Kolkata, "shimontini"- published from Bangladesh, online magazines, like "" and journals. She has been featured in, my little mag and in other e newsletters published by Castle of books, E raindrops magazines published by Moksha Publishers and in internal employee newsletter of GSK called "Infobytes".

Apart from a poet, Shreya is a professional book reviewer, content writer and copy editor. She has been working in collaboration with Aritra Chatterjee, Sourav C Pandey and several other bloggers and is planning photo-poetry collages- as a integral part of her future projects. She is presently working in two main stream projects- one is dedicated to poems and the other a collection of short stories.

Books By Shreya Chatterjee

Musings of A Wanderer

Musings of A Wanderer
Shreya Chatterjee
ISBN: 978-81-8253-267-0


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