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Math Osseforth

Math Osseforth was born in 1963 in Sittard. At the age of 7 he wrote his first story, a ghost story. He was educated at the Bisschoppelijk College St. Jozef and at the University of Utrecht where he got his Masters degree in Classical Languages in 1987. In that same year he started teaching at his former Gymnasium. He then married his long-time girlfriend, Annelies Koppers, and moved to Hendrik Ido Ambacht, teaching at the Erasmiaans Gymnasium in Rotterdam. In 2002 he became a manager at the Calvijn Gymnasium also in Rotterdam. The couple still live in Hendrik Ido Ambacht. Apart from the publication of a couple of his short stories this is the first integral collection of his more recent work.

Books By Math Osseforth

The Man Who Would Be Normal

The Man Who Would Be Normal
Math Osseforth
ISBN: 81-8253-033-4



Math Osseforth
ISBN: 978-81-8253-252-6
Short Stories


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