
Keep in touch

Marie Mappley

My name is Marie Mappley and I was born on 8TH December 1945 at Hayes, Middlesex, England, which comes under Greater London. I am divorced with one son Scott and one grandson Kai. I have worked for various firms, like Rank Xerox, Nestles and EMI as a computer operator. One of the nicest jobs I had was working for the EMI Company on the music side in the Code Centre.  Music being my first love, I found this most interesting.  While working there my work took me to different places including Germany and Holland, where I met my next mate.  After a couple of years I up and moved to Holland and ended living there for around 10 years. Holland is very strict to language when you live there so I had to go to college in Zaandam, which is on the borders to Amsterdam to learn the Dutch language.  Not very easy at all, in fact my life was not easy at all in Holland, so I took up some of my time by writing my poems.

I have always written poetry since childhood but never pushed it until I went to live in Holland. I started to write on poetry sites via the Internet when this company approached me to have some printed, which I did. I had written poems for friends on different occasions of their lives, and a variety of other type poems but I did love to write children's poetry the best.  I then decided through the love that I have for Elvis to fulfil an ambition and write an Elvis book, but as everything had been written down before all there is to know about Elvis I decided to do my book in poetry. I did this book after I moved back to England in November of 2003 as things in Holland was not going at all well for me.  I wrote these poems from the heart and I have tried to not only put my own feelings into these poems but the feelings of ALL Elvis fans alike.  Elvis is my inspiration to many things that I thought I would or could not do and through my live I have full filled them all now.

Some includes running an Elvis fan club "FRIENDS THROUGH ELVIS"; I ran an Elvis Charity Club in Hayes in the 1970's and made quite a lot of money for different charities including Jimmy Saville's Stoke Mandaville Appeal. And now my Elvis book in verse.  I hope you will enjoy these poems as much as I enjoyed writing them. I will welcome your comments and emails from readers. 

Books By Marie Mappley

Through My Eyes

Through My Eyes
Marie Mappley
ISBN: 978-8182530744


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