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Kelle Grace Gaddis

Yellow Chair Review published Kelle Grace Gaddis's first book, My Myths, in 2017. Other recently published works appear in Interim, BlazeVOX 15 & 17, Rye Whiskey Review, Chicken Soup For The Soul: Dreams & The Unexplainable, Dispatches Editions Resist Much / Obey Little, Vending Machine Presses Very Fine Writing, The Till, Five Willows Poetry Review, Thirteen Myna Birds Journal, Knot Literary Magazine, Entropy, Dove Tales, and the forthcoming Fiction War Magazine Volume 8, 2019 and elsewhere. She was honored to be a Tupelo Press 30/30 Writer in 2018, a 4Culture Poetry on the Buses contest winner in 2015 and 2017, and a prize-winning finalist in the National Fiction War Contest in summer of 2018. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Washington in 2014.

Books By Kelle Grace Gaddis

When I'm Not Myself - Poems In and Out of My Skin

When I'm Not Myself - Poems In and Out of My Skin
Kelle Grace Gaddis
ISBN: 9789389074581


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