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Jakob Brønnum


Jakob Brønnum has have written 42 books in his native Danish. He is translated into Norwegian and Serbian. His work has received various grants, among others from The Danish Arts Council. He has published a number of essays in English, among others about Dostoevsky and Beethoven in the magazine La Piccioletta Barca. His poems have appeared in magazines and anthologies in the Scandinavian languages as well as in English in The Ekphrastic Review, Beyond Words Literary Magazine and New Contexts 4 (Coverstory Books). He lives in Sweden with his family.


Books By Jakob Brønnum

A little book of transcendence

A little book of transcendence
Jakob Brønnum
ISBN: 9789395224536


Dreamscape Journeys

Dreamscape Journeys
Jakob Brønnum
ISBN: 9789363540637


A Poetry Encyclopedia of Dreams

A Poetry Encyclopedia of Dreams
Jakob Brønnum
ISBN: 9789363545342


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