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Jaideep Khodaskar

Jaideep Khodaskar is a 47 years old man with a youthful disposition towards life. He believes that love is the only force that prevails and loving is the only way to be living life. Without love in the heart and a soulmate to share that love with, life becomes a meaningless existence. When there is a soulmate in your life, you experience all the emotions like happiness, sadness, pain and pleasure to the hilt and that is what makes life a beautiful journey to cherish. Love gives you all the energy that is needed to sail through challenges that life is throwing at you from time to time. This poetry book reflects the different shades of love that a heart feels for another.

Books By Jaideep Khodaskar

Drenched in Love

Drenched in Love
Jaideep Khodaskar
ISBN: 9789386653031


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