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Gregory L. Norris

Gregory L. Norris is a full-time professional writer, with work appearing in numerous fiction anthologies, national magazines, novels, and the occasional TV episode (and, so far, one produced feature film -- Brutal Colors, which appeared on Amazon Prime in 2016). He once worked as a screenwriter on two episodes of Paramount's Star Trek: Voyager series and is a former writer for Sci Fi, the official magazine of the Sci Fi Channel (before all those ridiculous Ys invaded). Three times now, he's garnered mentions in Ellen Datlow's Best Of The Year books, and two of his paranormal romance novels were published by Home Shopping Network for their "Escape With Love" line, the first time HSN has offered original novels to their global customers. He won Honorable Mention in 2016's The Roswell Award in short SF fiction, and last year saw the publication of INTO INFINITY: THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, which he was hired by Anderson Entertainment in the UK to pen based upon the classic Gerry Anderson TV movie (and which he watched when he was eleven). Next month, his original sequel, INTO INFINITY: PLANETFALL, releases. with a third novel planned for the franchise in 2019. 

Books By Gregory L. Norris

Latchkey Stories

Latchkey Stories
Gregory L. Norris
ISBN: 9789389074437


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