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Greg Moglia

Greg Moglia holds a doctorate from NYU in Philosophy of Science Education. He is a veteran of 27 years as Adjunct Professor Philosophy of Education at N.Y.U. and 37 years as a high school teacher of Physics.and Psychology. His poems have been accepted in over 300 journals in the U.S., Canada, England. Australia, India, Sweden, Austria and Belgium. He is eight times a winner of an Allan Ginsberg Poetry Award sponsored by the Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College His poem "Why Do Lovers Whisper" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His poem "In Her Bedroom" was nominated by the College of William and Mary for the University of Virginia anthology Best New Poets. His debut book of poems LOST BUT MAKING GOOD TIME is from FINISHING LINE PRESS - 2017 His work has appeared in SOUTHERN HUMANITIES REVIEW, RATTLE, PORTLAND REVIEW, BELLOWING ARK, XAVIER REVIEW, PATERSON LITERARY REVIEW, TRIBECA POETRY REVIEW, TAMPA REVIEW, WILLIAM AND MARY REVIEW, SOUTH CAROLINA REVIEW PEREGRINE, MAIN STREEET RAG, LIPS, WISCONSIN REVIEW MUDFISH, WALLACE STEVENS JOURNAL, ENGLISH JOURNAL.

Books By Greg Moglia

A Man Is Not Supposed To Give In To Tears

A Man Is Not Supposed To Give In To Tears
Greg Moglia
ISBN: 9789388125888


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