
Keep in touch

George Drandakis

Eloise is collection of poems by George Drandakis, born in Peristeri, Athens, 27-1-1945. "After graduation I took exams for a position in a Greek Bank in which twelve thousand of candidates took part, of whom only seventy were to be appointed. I succeeded to be the eighth in the success row. I have also published essays, pieces of criticism and poems in a lot of good literary magazines and newspapers, national and local, for instance "Eleftherotypia" (newspaper), "Planodion", "Alevevan", "Schedia", "Ellitrohos", "Periplous" and so on (magazines). I am member of the Pan Hellenic Poetry Society."

Books By George Drandakis


George Drandakis
ISBN: 81-8253-016-4


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