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Frieda Groffy

Frieda Groffy continues to hold up the banner for women and what it means to be woman in a world that kill us if she didn't fight with her boldness, her love, her dreams, and her powerful words, circling the globe in a rhythmic dance. 'The Universal Woman' is her best work yet, encompassing the pain, betrayal, love, courage, faith and conviction, taking the reader on a journey into the very heart of woman and what it means to have, to hold, to lose, to grow. The poetry of Frieda Groffy  awakens the world to the heights of Universal Oneness. She becomes.....'the source of compassion/ the balance of the world/ the  Universal woman/ with the rainbow colored skin/ am I. 

Ayin Adams author of 'The Woods Deep Inside me'.

Frieda Groffy studied Drama & Theater Arts at the Conservatory of Antwerp-Belgium. That explains the everlasting love to walk onto a stage and 'perform'. So far she published six books of poetry in Dutch, her mother tongue. She is a restless traveler who can come home into a different culture and feel like a  stranger in her own backyard. She published poetry global wise on literary sites as a.o Creative Women- TimBookTu- Quiet Mountain Essays- and was translated in French-Spanish-Arab-Kurdish- Rumanian and Serbian.   

Books By Frieda Groffy

African Footprints On My Soul

African Footprints On My Soul
Frieda Groffy
ISBN: 978-8182531239


Climbing the Rainbow of our Dreams

Climbing the Rainbow of our Dreams
Frieda Groffy
ISBN: 978-81-8253-095-9


The Universal Woman

The Universal Woman
Frieda Groffy
ISBN: 81-8253-057-1


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