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Dr. Archana Bahadur Zutshi

The poet Dr. Archana Bahadur Zutshi has been engaged in active teaching since 1994 at Lucknow. She taught for a short while in Delhi before marriage. She excels in her role as a mentor and teacher. Her teaching career spans a year's stint at La Martiniere Boys School Lucknow. Thereafter, she had taught at the Catholic institution for Boys' St. Francis' College Lucknow. She is engaged in teaching courses of English to Undergraduate students of IGNOU. She has been writing since her school and College days. Her poems were contributed regularly for College Journals at Sophia College Ajmer and Govt. College Ajmer. She wrote an article for Health Magazine (Body & Beauty Care), A short story for children HT Lucknow. She was a regular contributor of poems and articles to Catholic Life, the Diocesan journal of Lucknow. Some of her literary articles have also appeared in national Journals. She was on the editorial board of St. Francis' College for about ten years. Her formative years were spent in Ajmer. She studied in the prestigious institutes there St. Mary's Convent H.S School, Sophia College, and Government College Ajmer. Post marriage Lucknow has become home. She has qualified NET in English, conducted by the University Grants Commission. Her doctorate was done from Lucknow University in English, her field of study being the comparative poetry of Philip Larkin, the British poet and Nissim Ezekiel. This is her first collection of poems. More are to be released in near future.

Books By Dr. Archana Bahadur Zutshi

Poetic Candour

Poetic Candour
Dr. Archana Bahadur Zutshi
ISBN: 9788193769188


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