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Cosmos III

Cosmos III's Poetry has been published in Piedmont Literary Review, Poetry Express Club Quarterly Poetry Contest Leaflet, Negative Capability, International Poetry Review, Pegasus : Special Prize Poems Issues, The Independent Review, Ariel V, Thematic Poetry Quarterly, Poetry South, Orphic Lute, Passages VII-VIII, Word and Image: The Illustrated Journal, Shakespeare Inc. Quarterly, Shooting Star Review, Dawn Magazine, Quartz Hill Journal of Theology, The Fractal: Journal of Science Fiction & Fantasy, The Paradoxist Movement, Dream International Quarterly : Dreams and Fantasy, Ellipsis, Quaker Life : A Ministry of Friends United Meeting, Eotu, Black Buzzard Review, Onionhead Literary Review, Seedcloud, Earthwise Poetry Calendar, Prophetic Voices: An International Literary Journal, Felicity, The Journal of the National Society of Minority Writers and Artists (NSMWA), San Fernando Poetry Journal, Raven's Tale : Tales of Horror, Fantasy & Suspense, Puerto Del Sol, Transformation Times, Penumbra : 1995 Poetry And Haiku From The Tallahassee Writers' Association Annual Competition, the Fringe : The Literary Journal of The Alameda Writers Group and The Serpent's Tail: A Seasonal Journal.    

His poetry has also been published in The Blacklist : Final Issue, New Millennium, Beatnik Soup: An Art & Literary Zine For A New Generation, The Silver, The Rat Race Record, Opossum Holler Tarot, Antiskios, Discombobulation, Aileron: A Literary Journal of Poems And Prose For The Erudite, Alternative Realities, Ophelia's Web, Shockbox : the Literary / Art Magazine With Teeth, READ ME, Seamonkeys From Guatemala, Wit's End, A New World Rising, Antigone, And I Crawled : Pourous Outpourings, Chaos Into Power, Live and Let Live, Aspects Metazine, People's Culture, Black and Red : Newsletter of the Anarchist Caucaus, the Fire Fly : a tiny glow in a forest of darkness, Wind Chill Factor : A Free Form Journal, Free Lunch : A Poetry Journal, The Freedom Socialist : Voice of Revolutionary Feminism, Struggle : A Magazine of Proletarian Revolutionary Literature, Bayou La Rose Resistance to the Columbus Quincentennial Issue, Subconscious Soup : The Magazine of Free Thought and the Counter Culture, Industrial Worker : The Voice of Revolutionary Unionism, Anarchy : A Journal of Desire Armed and The Village Idiot.

His poetry has been further published in Native American Indian Community, The Suquamish News: Suquamish Tribe, The Eagle, Honor Digest, Acorns From The Royal Oak, Back To The Blanket : A Basically Cherokee Native American Journal, Azure Plume, The Spike : The Original Newsletter on Native East Coast Events, Kheppera, Psychic's Path, Spirit Walker Newsletter, Pan-American Indian News, The Wvnamco Journal, Being, Dream Network Journal : Cross Cultural Perspectives on Dream & Myth, Talking Stick : Adirondack Bioregional Journal, Native American Voice Newsletter, Robert "Great Warrior" Newsletter, Shenandoah Newsletter, United Lumbee Nation Times, Medicine Ways (Métis Medicine Circle), On Indian Land : Support For Native Sovereignty, Akwekon Literary Journal, Amerrikua : Land of The Four Winds : A Cultural Review, Talking Raven : A Journal of Imaginative Trouble, SAIL (Studies in American Indian Literatures), Notes from Taychopera : The Wiccan / Pagan Press Alliance, The Ghost Jacket Commentaries and Spirit of Crazy Horse.

His poetry has been internationally published in Yakima Nation Review (Yakima Nation), Arrows To Freedom Newsletter : Drumheller Native Brotherhood of Indian and Métis (Canada), Kola (Canada), DENAR (Belgium), Vision Seeker & Sharer (United Kingdom), Rashi (New Zealand), New Breed Journal (Canada), No Sanctuary : Resistance Zine From Europe (Switzerland) Armchair (United Kingdom), En Plein (Switzerland), Sivullinen (Finland), Paris / Atlantic : International Magazine of Creative Work (France), Poetry Kanto (Japan), Chang Jiang Literature & Art (People's Republic of China) and Zuo Jia (People's Republic of China).

His poetry has been variously published in the anthologies American Poetry Annual, The National Poetry Anthology, Many Voices / Many Lands, On The Threshold of A Dream, Poetic Voices of America, Through A Poet's Eye, American Poetry Anthology, World of Verse, Voice of The Poet, A Time To Be Free, Footprints On Our Hearts, Rainbows & Roses, Hands of Time, Stormy Weather and Voices On The Wind. Some of his poems have been on display in the offices of peace, ecological - environmental and Indigenous Nations Organizations and Causes and in progressive, radical and revolutionary bookstores.

He has been among the winners in the Irene Leache Memorial Short Story Contest (Norfolk State College division), Poetry Express Club Quarterly Poetry Contest, Piedmont Literary Society Contests, Poet's Study Club International Contest (Terre Haute, Indiana), All Nations Poetry Contests, The Writer's Exchange Poetry Contest, Quill Poetry Competition, Poetry Forum Newsletter Contest, Kentucky State Poetry Society Contests, Salute to the Arts Poetry Contests (Triton College's International Poetry Contest), New York City Poetry Forum Contests, the Poetry Arts Project Contest, Big Easy Sonnet Award Contest, Oklahoma Branch of the National League of American Pen Women's Literary Contest, Penumbra Poetry Contest and Poetry Society of Virginia Contest.

His short fiction has been published in Piedmont Literary Review, The Independent Review, The Journal of The National Society of Minority Writers and Artists (NSMWA), Red Clay, Subconscious Soup : The Magazine of Free Thought and the Counter Culture and Akwesasne Notes : A Journal for Native and Natural Peoples.

He is currently working on Cosmic Portraits From the "Last Capitol Of The Confederacy" - a first book of poetry; Ghost Shirt Thing : An Avant - Grade, Impressionistic and Revolutionary Wild West Novel - a first novel; The Prairie Beast and 3 Tales - a first collection of short fiction; Saint Joan of Arc, The Mysterious Phenomena and New Mathematical Revelations and Prophecies : A Special Cosmic Tribute - a first nonfiction manuscript ; and The Lakota Satayallah In The "Last Capitol Of The Wild West" - a one - act drama.

He graduated with a diploma in Printing from Danville Community College (DCC) and later returned to major in Liberal Arts and then transferred to Norfolk State College (NSC) where he graduated cum laude (honors) with a B.A. degree in Sociology and an Associate degree in Education. He studied further at Averett College, Old Dominion University and the University of Virginia.

He has been variously employed as an offset printing pressman, a mobile homes construction laborer, CETA school teacher, substitute teacher, short-order cook, printing bindery technician, a residential child-care teacher, dishwasher, and laborer. Cosmos III was born in Danville, Virginia and currently resides in Camp Springs, Maryland (USA). This is Cosmos III’s first book.

Books By Cosmos III

Cosmic Blues: A Genesis

Cosmic Blues: A Genesis
Cosmos III
ISBN: 978-81-8253-236-6


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