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Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes

Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes, Ph.D., is a retired college professor emerita from the University of Wisconsin, Parkside, and a former librarian in a log cabin library in the north woods of Wisconsin. Some of her work has been translated into Chinese, and she has poetry published in England, Canada and the U.S. It has been anthologized in the Root River Anthologies and Unsettling America (Penguin Press). It has appeared in journals including The Greensboro Review, The Malahat Review, Poetry Hall, Poetry Quarterly, Awakenings, Rosebud, Moss Piglet, and others. Her chapbook, The Lost Italian and the Sound of Words was published by Brighter Path Publishing. She is a member of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, and of the Spectrum School of Art and Gallery in Racine having had photographs of hers in several galleries. She participates in zoom and live readings, including Woodland Pattern Wednesday Writers, the Root River Poets, and Zoom Poets. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, much wildlife, and hundreds of trees.

Several of the works included here have been published earlier: “From Where I Stand,” Wisconsin Poets Calendar; “On Being Two Places at Once,” 
Rosebud; “The Mothers,” Ekphrastic Review; “The Bonsai Master,” Artery.

Books By Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes

When Wilding Returns

When Wilding Returns
Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes
ISBN: 9789395224369


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