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Bhuwan Thapaliya

The poetry of Bhuwan Thapaliya is the poetry of each and every one of us. Mr. Thapaliya has the uncanny ability to appeal to hearts, minds and souls in such beautiful ways that even the pictures of disillusionment, pain and loss that he paints leave us with a sense of romanticism that is ultimately optimistic. Optimistic because Bhuwan Thapaliya always shows us the answer: love, and freedom from the illusion of separation. His romantic poetry will never be out of date because Bhuwan Thapaliya's natural talent for this form of writing reaches deep inside our hearts, and squeezes them like sponges ... cleansing us of our hardness, our cynicism and our ignorance. If only just for one or two glorious moments, we feel humane ... and at one with our surroundings. Bhuwan Thapaliya is not just a young man in love with the notion of love. He has seen suffering, and felt the pain that life endows upon us all - both individually, and collectively. He speaks with the impatient passion and intuited authority of youth and, at the same time, with the peaceful acceptance and learned humility of those who are twice his age. This poet understands both the effects of poetry, and its importance. Bhuwan Thapaliya has an important function in a world that is desperately in need of voices conveying hope, as well as voices that would point a finger and exclaim: "we can do better than this!" Bhuwan Thapaliya is our conscience. His poetry is our pride, our reality reaching towards our dream ... our hope.  Bhuwan is ... the poetry of life.

- by Adam Donaldson Powell (Norway), 2008

Poetic tribute to Mother Nepal

Press Release

"While our country is battling its own identity and nationalism is being challenged, Bhuwan's collection of poem murmurs the melancholy of Mother Nepal", said Durganath Sharma, former General Manager of Nepal Television, during the book launch of Our Nepal Our Pride by Bhuwan Thapaliya.

"There are hardly good poems in Nepali these days", opined poet Yuyutsu RD Sharma who launched the anthology during a ceremony organized at the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), Bhrikutimandap this Friday afternoon.

Sharma also exclaimed that Bhuwan Thapaliya has now joined the likes of Samrat Upadhaya and Manjushree Thapa. "His poems remind me of Bal Krishna Sama's poignancy and Laxmi Prasad Devkota's eccentric passion", he furthered while passionately reciting several poems from Thapaliya's collection.

"Bhuwan has simply perfected the art of poetry and for a Nepali to achieve that in English is simply exceptional", added Sharma.

Adam Donaldson Powell who edited the book said, "Bhuwan Thapaliya is our conscience. His Poetry is our pride and our reality towards reaching our dream and our hope."

While quizzed about the motif of his writing he told City Post that he is just a person who is in love with the notion of life and idea of love. "This book is the cry of my Motherland and through this book I have given her a medium to shed her tears", he elucidated "We are all indebted to our mother and these poems are a reminder of that".

Thapaliya also shared that he writes only when his heart wants him to write and his heart always demands him to write. The book comprises over hundred poems and is published by the, an India based publishing house.   




Books By Bhuwan Thapaliya

Our Nepal, Our Pride

Our Nepal, Our Pride
Bhuwan Thapaliya
ISBN: 978-81-8253-115-4


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