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Aristotle Spiro

Born in Southern Albania (1963), Aristotle Spiro started writing early in his childhood years, both in Albanian and Greek. Two poetry collections have been published: in Albanian ( In Our Erotic Fair"; Alcaeus, 2001) and in Bulgarian ( A Diary from the Stone Age ; Alcaeus, 2008; translated by Tonka Georgieva). His poetry is permeated by sharp philosophical reflections, a deft and rich metaphoric language, often spiced up by subtle irony and sarcasm, with hit poems featured in various anthologies. He has translated Greek poetry into Albanian, most notably Cavafy's Complete Poems (Pegi: 2010) and Euripides' Electra (Onufri: 2014). A prominent part of his work as a linguistic and literary scholar focuses on the development of a multidisciplinary approach in related research and interpretation. He is the founder of the Albanian-Greek Association of Philologists (1997) and editor-in-chief and director of the international magazine of literary studies "AlbanoHellenica" (1999-). An active organizer of, and participant in, many international scientific events, his studies have been published widely and to high acclaim by experts in the field.

Books By Aristotle Spiro

The Quest for Goodness

The Quest for Goodness
Aristotle Spiro
ISBN: 9789389074833


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