
Keep in touch


Volume: VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 JAN. 2008
Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0974 - 0023 (pp: 266)
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: 2008
Condition: New
Price: $25

 The birth of Harvests of New Millennium was inspired by a very wise suggestion of AZsacra ZARATHUSTRA that Cyberwit should launch a new journal. Instead of three or four issues a year it was decided to publish it annually. The Journal will be a combination of Art and Literature by creative minds from around the world featuring known and emerging artists. While selecting poems and artwork I concentrated on the fact that an individual artist is influenced by the whole heritage of world literature and art. "A genre lives in the present, but is constantly aware of its past and origin."

The artists included in this Journal are not like the Georgian poets writing 'nice', 'bucolic or pastoral' poems around 1910. On the contrary, the contributors selected for Harvests of New Millennium are deeply aware of two World Wars, anarchy, terrorism, and the postmodern obsession with "destruction of meaning". Ezra Pound had understood the need for reviving English poetry: "I doubt if any of us in 1911 clearly articulated the proposition: there ought to be an active literature for if this literature be not active, a nation will die at the top" (Polite Essays, 1937).

It is a matter of great consolation that even though the scope of terror has enlarged, the poets and artists have not stopped composing their works. This is quite evident from a very large number of poems and artwork received by me for this Journal. This is a good sign for the survival of humanism, love and spiritual values. "It is one of the horrors of our times that tragedy has become commonplace, almost banal" (Patric Dickinsion). No doubt, Poetry by raising its voice to the height of  the heavens is powerful enough to provide a healing touch to our soul, 'hurt in some vital part', due to the fret and fury of the contemporary barbarism.

Another significant thing about several poets and artists included in Harvests of New Millennium is their quest for some timeless existence, and 'a nostalgia for the impossible', a quest for the world of intellect and spirit. "The postmodern would be that which in the modern invokes the unpresentable in presentation itself, that which refuses the consolation of correct forms, refuses the consensus of taste permitting a common experience of nostalgia for the impossible, and inquires into new presentations-not to take pleasure in them, but to better produce the feeling that there is something unpresentable" (Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition, 1984). I'm indebted to these creative artists for their invaluable support and help. I'm obliged to all subscribers and benefactors. Without their cooperation and help, the publication of Harvests of New Millennium is not possible. Best Wishes for a very Happy New Year.



"There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun."  

~ Pablo Picasso

Harvests of New Millennium

 by Janet K. Brennan, Author, Artist, Poet and Reviewer

Cyberwit Publications has gone and done it again in the production of another masterpiece with its newest release, Harvests of New Millennium.  This magnificent book is a composition of fine art and poetry from artists around the literary world Chocked to the brim with intensity and savor, "Harvests" kept me going from page to page not knowing what I would find next, and which of the artists and poets best deserved recognition for they are all excellent!!.  

Harvests, is an eclectic view of the world through the eyes of some of the best writers and artists of our time who have spun their magic through verse and picture.  

Within these pages, one travels through various cites of the world as in  Pato Van Hecke,s "In the Garden, " and "Scotland" where the artist has blended erotica with fine art in a mutual convergence of life and sumptuous human imagery.  

Adam Donaldson Powell's-"The Path" is reminiscent of many dreams converging into one final road that leads to the portal of human soul and indeed, I found myself stretching myself to see what might be on the other end.  This photograph has a gorgeous blend of colors and shades that are natural and soothing.

In Herman Smorenburg's "The Discovery Two" we are being shown a moment in history that has many sagas  and layers of fine art behind it.  One needs only to take the leap into the painting and sit with it for a while.  The result is an overwhelming desire to know the story behind the painting.  This, along with his oil on wood painting of "Moonlight Secret" takes the viewer with its bold choices and delicate messages in color and dream like quality that leaves us to know that there is far more than what meets the eye to these portraits.  

Katherine Luke caught my eye with her dream like, wizardries in oil of "Calalily."  This painting is a subdued and surreal vision-dance done in reds and hints of blue and black that exercises the art form of  allusion.  Her "Margherita" is sumptuous in its intoxicating affect of blends of pastel and mists, all executed on bare canvass with oil.  When viewing Luke's unique style one gets the impression that we are looking through the rabbit hole into an unexplored world of artistry Master photographer and poet, Louie Levy does not disappoint with his "Lonesome Senior Reader.  Levy writes "He, like myself and countless others, being elderly, have sadly out-lived most of our parental relatives. Nostalgic and happy of cultural holidays that we had livingly shared with song, dance and feast."  His touching and poignant photograph captures these words  and gives us pause to wonder at the personality he has captured from behind the book.  

Moving on to the final pages of this human journey art-form, we have some of the best poetry in the world.   Jim Ganley writes with perfect calculation  in his rhyme and stance poem, "Time" as he explores  the subject with a bit of a slant.  The reader will want to go back into this fine pour  for several reads.

"Time is God; God is time said with each breath

Though none gets to find out until we've faced death

To learn of space and time would up like a vine

The fabric of existence so precisely fine"

Dr. Santosh Kumar, whose poetry has been read around the world, stirs  things up in his urgent pleas for salvation of mankind in his timely "Come, for a while"

'Honour your spirit guide, communicate to protect the planet

Place symbol of your worship

Build Medicine Wheel in the directions four

East, West North South after reality"

In Shirley Bolstock's "Who Will Rake The Leaves?" we find a beautiful tale of aging and questioning and remembrance written in a sublime metaphorical style that only accomplished poets can achieve

"Leaves landing upon the ravages of bittersweet memories

The debris is now flying through years of laughter and tears

The stillness arises and encompasses me, and I wonder,

Who will rake the leaves, in the autumn of my years?"  

This family and life poem, much like my own "Gentle Tugs" sends the reader on a journey of exploration into what many be the most important values in life and how we will spend our last years.

"Most nights I sit

Watching a perfect sun

set over the mesa-wide,

Dreaming of a place, new

to hang my hat

should I wander from this place

to greener pastures by the sea

A lake with Loons

How I love Loons!

by ~ Janet K. Brennan

Peace poet, Louie Levy is no stranger to the art form of poetry and once again regales us with his genius style and flow with "Tomorrow's yesterday,  B'klyn Nu Yawk Kids,"

"Remembering guttered sidewalk streets and

My life in Brooklyn NY "           

This magical poem is a treat for the mind as it takes one  into the world that was New York City once upon a time.   His "Shadows, And Time of Day" is a riveting piece that allows the reader to wander into the depths  of their minds to question the importance  of simple acts of kindness           

"Shit, I thought, another Wino who should be working

I'll just keep walking and pass up another homeless bum"  

To the ravages of war and the atrocity of human suffering.  Levy never minces words in his larger than life style. Yet behind this hard hitting  and gritty pros is the soul of a compassionate lover of life.

"Hey enemy. With that there rifle and me with mine!

Ready aim aire! So we shoot us both down dead.

Hey! Please not in the head, who would know us then?

We enemies aren't supposed to have no guilt.

So bang Bang!

Encapsulated, this fine publication, Harvests of Millennium  delves into the questions and possible answers of life from youth to old age.  It is without question a literary accomplishment not to be missed. Highly recommended reading! Entertaining from start to finish.

Author BIO

Other Publication By


Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0974 - 0023 (pp: 266)



Bob Veon 
Jason Casey
John DeLitta 
Karunesh Kr. Agrawal 
Michel Villars 
Pato Van Hecke  
Steen Doessing 
TheaterOfCrueltyNOH AZSACRA
Abbey T Birsch 
Adam Donaldson Powell 
Adam Mclevey
Adam Pinson 
Agnes Korfanty 
Albert Lledo 
Albert Russo 
Alex Benito Colomera  
Alexandra Perman 
Andre Maitre 
Anita Dzogovic 
Ann Fawssett Atkin 
Aris Stathakis 
Barbara E. Mercer 
Bob Blackett
Boris Bello 
Carla van den Berg  
Cathie Brock 
Charles Griffith 
Christopher English  
Chrystiane Corrêa 
Cordos Cosmin Daniel (BODYHATER) 
Curt Walter Tannhäuser 
Dalibor Moyzes
David Culver 
Debs Higginson 
Dennis Malcolm 
Diane Chilson 
Erika Brodie 
Fariel Shafee 
Haiko Kessels 
Helen Baziotou 
Herman Smorenburg 
Ian Laws 
Ido Friedman 
Ihor Khoynyak 
Irina Fomina 
Jane Anderson 
Janet K. Brennan 
Jared and Tabitha Borges 
Jason Casey 
Jay Rainford-Nash 
Jeroen van Valkenburg 
Jim Corbett 
Johan Wahlstrom 
John Haverty 
Jorge Berlato 
Kaal Dewar 
Katherine Luke 
Li Li Parsons 
Lisa Jennings 
Louie Levy 
Maria Murphy
Marilyn Kirsch
Marion Bubak 
Michael St.Peter 
Michael Warble Finucane 
Mike Petrakis 
Mirek Drozd 
Mirsad Mehulic 
Monty Shulberg 
Nataly Kopyl 
Nicolau Campos  
Pat Goltz 
Pat Hedderman 
Penny Haviland 
Philip Shadbolt 
Rita Ria
Roberto Benitez 
Scarlet Monahan 
Shari Travison 
Stephanie Kirton 
Tatiana Pahlen 
Thomai Kontou 
Ton Vermeulen 
Valeriy Grachov  
Vojkan Morar 
Weshon Hornsby 

Herman Smorenburg 

Alan Catlin
Arthur Leung 
Chan Mongol
Cherilyn Fry 
David McLean 
Del Senkbeil 
Denise-A. Langner-Urso 
Dimitris P. Kraniotis  
Floriana Hall 
Fran Shaw 
James Keane 
Jan Oskar Hansen 
Janet K. Brennan 
Jerry Monaghan  
Jim Ganley 
Joseph Reich 
Joseph Spence 
Louie Levy 
Mary Etta Metcalf 
Rose Marie Streeter  
Santosh Kumar 
Shirley Bolstok 

Ban'ya Natsuishi 
Sayumi Kamakura  


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